Anti-vax anger boils over into racism at supervisors meeting: ‘The comments today are hate speech, not free speech’ (Pennlive)


    Anti-vax anger boils over into racism at supervisors meeting: ‘The comments today are hate speech, not free speech’ – By Tribune News Service (Pennlive) / Nov 3 2021

    SAN DIEGO — Public comments made during San Diego County’s COVID-19 updates have featured hours of angry yelling for months now, but statements made at a meeting Tuesday crossed a particularly nasty line.

    One of the nearly 70 people who spoke against vaccine mandates not only wished that three of five county supervisors would die or be killed, but also tossed in a racial slur against the region’s top public health official.

    Supervisor Nora Vargas cut in during the comments, refusing to sit quietly during the diatribe that included body-shaming comments about her. When a racist comment was lobbed at Dr. Wilma Wooten, the Black director of the county public health department, Vargas couldn’t help but respond.

    “You can call me fat all you want, but you are not allowed to say that to her,” Vargas replied.


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