Army employee fired for insensitive post about coronavirus outbreak (Military Times)


    Army employee fired for insensitive post about coronavirus outbreak – By Leo Shane III (Military Times) / March 21 2020

    Army officials fired a social media manager on Saturday for an Instagram post related to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak that critics — including at least one member on Congress — blasted as offensive and racist.

    The post, part of a series of questions and answers on the virus, was up on the Army’s official social media account for several hours before being deleted. Under the posted question “why did a man eat a bat,” Army officials wrote “it wasn’t because he was thirsty” with a picture of a man shrugging.

    The comment appears to reference rumors that the coronavirus originated from someone eating a bat in China, an assertion that scientists have not confirmed. But the idea has provided fodder for culturally insensitive jokes and ethic blaming for the fast-moving illness, which has already killed nearly 13,000 people worldwide (more than 200 in the United States).

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