As Biden Rakes in Cash, Trump Eyes Mar-a-Lago Haul (US News)


    As Biden Rakes in Cash, Trump Eyes Mar-a-Lago Haul – By Susan Milligan and Lauren Camera (US News) / March 29, 2024

    Money and polling aren’t everything in politics, but Biden’s New York City mother lode puts more pressure on his predecessor.

    A grateful President Joe Biden reveled Friday in what was arguably the best campaign night of his career: a star-studded event at Radio City Music Hall the evening before that raised a record $26 million and featured two former Democratic presidents on stage with the incumbent.

    “I don’t ever remember an event like last night,” Biden told a group of donors Friday in New York City before heading to Camp David for the Easter holiday weekend. “It’s a lot of campaigning, and our grassroots organization” is kicking up, he said, adding that 95% of new donors this election cycle are small donors who’ve contributed some $200 or less.

    Indeed, Good Friday ended a good month for the president, who has been outraising his presumptive GOP opponent, Donald Trump. Thursday night’s haul was fueled by what the Biden-Harris campaign described in a memo as the “most successful political fundraising event in the history of American politics.” The fundraiser featured a conversation between Biden and former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, moderated by late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert. It followed a fundraising visit last week to Texas, where the campaign was expected to collect about $7 million.


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