As Covid-19 cases rise in 17 states, Americans still divided on whether masks should be mandated (CNN)


    As Covid-19 cases rise in 17 states, Americans still divided on whether masks should be mandated – By Steve Almasy, Holly Yan and Christina Maxouris (CNN) / May 26 2020

    (CNN)As more places across the US offer people a chance to shop or dine inside, the issue of whether to wear a mask has again become a flashpoint.

    There are 17 states where the number of coronavirus cases are trending up, and many governors have told citizens that now is an important time to wear a face covering.

    Virginia on Tuesday became the latest state to compel people to wear masks in certain situations. The rule applies to anyone 10 years of age or older within a public indoor space, Gov. Ralph Northam said. Masks will be required on public transportation, the governor said.

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing a cloth face covering in public when it is hard to stay socially distant.

    Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, recently said masks definitely prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.

    “What we have said to people is there is clear scientific evidence now, by all the droplet experiments that happened, and that others have done, to show that a mask does prevent droplets from reaching others,” Birx said on “Fox News Sunday.”

    “We need to be wearing masks in public when we cannot social distance.”

    But some Americans have resisted wearing a face covering, arguing that adhering to mask wearing rules feels like a forfeiture of their freedoms.

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