At CPAC, Pence Thanks Conservatives, Warns Against Complacency (US News)


    At CPAC, Pence Thanks Conservatives, Warns Against Complacency – By Gabrielle Levy ( / Feb 22 2018

    The vice president warned that Republican progress could be reversed in the fall.

    Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday credited conservatives with upending the political order by electing Donald Trump in 2016 but warned that liberals could undo their accomplishments if conservatives failed to “show up” for this fall’s midterm elections.

    “We threw out the playbook in 2016 and we’re going to throw it out in 2018,” Pence told the crowd at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington.

    “Because of all of you, because of the conservative majorities in Congress that you helped elect and because of the strong leadership of the president you put in the White House, 2017 was the most consequential year in the history of the conservative movement,” Pence said.

    He ran down a list of “promises made and promises kept” that included passing tax reform, the decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and the appointment of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch to a loud ovation.

    Pence raised the specter of restoring House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California as speaker to warn that their progress was reversible.

    “It would be a disaster for our cause if Nancy Pelosi became speaker of the House again,” he said. “The other side knows exactly what’s at stake between now and the end of this year, as we’ve dismantled the liberal legacy of the last administration and turned this country around.”

    He added that Democrats are motivated to win back the majority in the fall, and that it will fall on conservatives to prevent that.

    “Progress is driven by the people who show up,” Pence said.

    PB/TK – Is the circle of political life in motion for 2018? We had full DEM’er control and now full GOP’er control, are we about to split the Congress again? Every Party has their moments and while they lay in glory they also roll in sh*t, in our case it’s both Parties laying together in a manure pit. Pence is correct, don’t think because a few things have gone the Party way that Election day victory romps are a given. In other words, DO YOUR DAMN JOB AND PROVE YOUR WORTH 


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