Audio glitches, lousy WiFi, shirtless guests: Miami Zoom court expands despite limitations (Miami Herald)


    Audio glitches, lousy WiFi, shirtless guests: Miami Zoom court expands despite limitations – By David Ovalle (Miami Herald) / May 28 2020

    Zoom criminal court is entering its third month in Miami, and the gaffes are amusing enough: dogs barking, a shirtless man appearing in a mirror behind a witness, a woman obliviously applying her eyelashes in a bathroom.

    But for the lawyers, the limitations of holding online court are no laughing matter.

    With only a handful of courtrooms set up for Zoom, calendars can be frustratingly long, and hearings move tediously as lawyers navigate microphones, camera placement and virtual “breakout rooms.” Lousy internet connections can be vexing — during one recent hearing, a prosecutor kept losing her signal during witness testimony.

    Lawyers, used to the theatrics of grilling people live on the stand, find interrupting witnesses doesn’t work so well when there’s an audio lag.

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