Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Home Authors Posts by Politically Brewed

Politically Brewed

Politically Brewed

16-Year-Old Commits Suicide After School Cop Threatens Him with Child Porn...

Scared straight.... to his death - PB/TK  16-Year-Old Commits Suicide After School Cop Threatens Him with Child Porn Charges - By Robby Soave /  May 24...

Al Franken: ‘I Hate Ted Cruz’

Gee Sen. Al tell me how you really feel or better yet write me a SNL script depicting your hate- PB/TK  Al Franken: ‘I Hate...

1% of Americans Say American Moral Values Are Excellent

When did the decline of American moral values begin? Oh and you can't blame a political party/ politician, video games or Rosanne Barr -...

The future of Obamacare suffers another huge blow as the worst-case...

Northern Kansas is almost set to lose another insurer - PB/TK The future of Obamacare suffers another huge blow as the worst-case scenario looms in...

Fox News Reveals “Smoking Gun” That They’re Spying On Andrea Tantaros,...

When we're talking FOX "spying" on former FOX'er Andrea Tantaros are we talking stalking hiding in the bushes snapping nude pics or "spying" as...

He plowed his field; now he faces a $2.8M fine

Is it worth it to be a farmer in today's over-regulated world - PB/TK He plowed his field; now he faces a $2.8M fine -...

U.S. Army Lost Track of $1 Billion Worth of Weapons and...

Audit shows US Army "misplaced" over $1 billion worth of arms that was to be transferred to Iraq and Kuwait - PB/TKU.S. Army Lost...

Trump to Pope Francis After Vatican Meeting: I ‘Won’t Forget What...

That awkward feeling when your standing next to bullshitter, but which one is it - PB/TKTrump to Pope Francis After Vatican Meeting: I...

Christian high school bars pregnant teen from graduation ceremony

She break her pledge and now faces the consequences  - PB/TKChristian high school bars pregnant teen from graduation ceremony - CBS News/ May 24...

Not Terrorism? Democratic Congressional Candidate Blames Manchester Bombing On Sexism

You just can't make the sh*t up! - PB/TKNot Terrorism? Democratic Congressional Candidate Blames Manchester Bombing On Sexism - By Matt Vespa / May...