Banning phony ‘critical race theory’ in KC-area schools puts real history at risk (The Kansas City Star)


    Banning phony ‘critical race theory’ in KC-area schools puts real history at risk – By Mara Rose Williams (The Kansas City Star) / Nov 7 2021

    Given the outcome of recent school board elections in the Kansas City area, there has never been a more critical time to clear up intentional confusion over what critical race theory is, what is actually being proposed by Republican lawmakers and what is at stake if a proposed ban is passed here.

    In Johnson County, several conservative candidates ran for school boards on a so-called “anti-CRT” platform — “parent choice” — and won seats in some of the area’s best performing districts. I think it’s important that they know, and that parents and teachers also know, exactly what it is these newcomers support. Is it really good education? Or is this just political rhetoric fueled by unnecessary fear that schools are out to make children feel bad about being American or guilty or inadequate?

    If you agree that schoolchildren should be taught the full scope of our American history — the good and the ugly — but you support a proposed legislative ban on what lawmakers are calling “critical race theory,” then you may have been duped.


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