Home Liberal Biden Is Absolutely the Wrong Person to Deal With China (Real Clear...

Biden Is Absolutely the Wrong Person to Deal With China (Real Clear Politics)


Biden Is Absolutely the Wrong Person to Deal With China – By Roger L. Simon (Epoch Times) / March 18 2020

Among the many depressing thoughts emanating from the coronavirus pandemic is the increasing knowledge that China—like it or not (and who does)—isn’t our friend on a number of levels.

Indeed, it’s clear to practically everyone that the major global conflict of our time and for the foreseeable future is between communist China and the United States.

Joe Biden is the last man who should be dealing with that.

This isn’t only because it wasn’t long ago that Biden blithely dismissed the notion that China was an enemy (before walking that back following a barrage of criticism). Nor is it just because of the intimations of corruption with his son and others that involve China, as well as Ukraine, which should be reason enough by itself.

Nor is it even the questions surrounding his age and mental competence.

Continue to article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/joe-biden-the-absolutely-wrong-person-to-deal-with-china_3277272.html


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