Home Liberal Biden’s Dishonest Attempt To Pin Inflation on Putin (Reason)

Biden’s Dishonest Attempt To Pin Inflation on Putin (Reason)


Biden’s Dishonest Attempt To Pin Inflation on Putin – By Eric Boehm (Reason) / March 15, 2022

The White House’s latest attempt to scapegoat rising prices ignores everything that happened before the past three weeks.

Ten months ago, Jeremy Siegel issued a dire warning about the trajectory of prices.

“The money supply since the beginning of the pandemic, so a little over a year, has gone up almost 30 percent. Now, that money is not going to disappear. That money is going to find its way into spending and into higher prices,” Siegel, a professor of finance at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, told CNBC during an interview on May 14. “Over the next two, three years we could easily have 20 percent inflation with this increase in the money supply.”

He was hardly the only one sounding the alarm. A few months earlier, before Congress approved President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, several prominent economists had warned that the stimulus bill—the third major one passed since the outbreak of COVID-19 just a year earlier—was too big and threatened to overheat the economy.

CONTINUE > https://reason.com/2022/03/15/bidens-dishonest-attempt-to-pin-inflation-on-putin/


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