Biden’s one-size-fits-all plan to protect renters comes ‘at the expense’ of mom-and-pop landlords — what to do if you still want to slice up a piece of the real estate pie – By Bethan Moorcraft (Moneywise) / Feb 7, 2023
A new White House plan to nationalize housing policy and grant renters more protection has left mom-and-pop landlords with questions and concerns.
The Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights lays out five principles that President Joe Biden hopes will shape future policymaking at all levels of government, with the aim of protecting renters and promoting rental affordability.
It was designed to save renters from “egregious” rate hikes, discriminatory tenant screenings, anti-competitive information sharing (especially among large corporations) and unfair evictions.
While most reasonable landlords support the notion of protecting America’s 44 million renter households — especially after house prices and rents went stratospheric during the pandemic — due to the complex nature of housing policy, the idea of a one-size-fits-all solution has been met with criticism. And in striving to protect renters, the plan might leave millions of homeowners out in the cold.