Blinken Pledges to Solve Mystery of ‘Havana Syndrome’ but Stops Short of Calling the Incidents ‘Attacks’ (US News)


    Blinken Pledges to Solve Mystery of ‘Havana Syndrome’ but Stops Short of Calling the Incidents ‘Attacks’ – By Paul D. Shinkman (US News) / Nov 5 2021

    President Joe Biden has broken from his predecessor – and many advocates and apparent victims – by not labeling what some consider directed energy incidents to be: ‘attacks.’

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday pledged greater support to those who have been injured as a result of “Havana Syndrome” and defended the government’s response to what some consider the use of directed energy weapons. But he stopped short of calling the incidents “attacks” – a break from the Trump administration and a continuing source of frustration from many who have experienced symptoms.

    “All of us in the U.S. government, and especially we at the State Department, are intently focused on getting to the bottom of what and who is causing these incidents,” Blinken said in a carefully crafted statement from the State Department, speaking alongside newly appointed officials who will oversee further investigations into the incidents and the medical response for those who appear to have been affected by them.

    “This is an urgent priority for President [Joe] Biden, for me, for our entire government. And we will do absolutely everything we can, leaving no stone unturned, to stop these occurrences as swiftly as possible,” Blinken said.


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