Bloomberg’s historic bust (Axios)


    Bloomberg’s historic bust – By Jim VandeHei, Alexi McCammond, Alayna Treene (Axios) / March 3 2020

    Never in American history has a presidential candidate spent more to get less than Mike Bloomberg, making his buy-a-nomination bid a big bust.

    Why it matters: Bloomberg spent $600 million to win as many states as every American who chose not to run: zero. (He has American Samoa to show for it.)

    • Fellow billionaire Tom Steyer got off — and out — cheap by spending less than half that much to tie Bloomberg in states won.

    What’s next: Look for Bloomberg to drop out as soon as this morning, and try to save face by promising to spend a helluva lot more to defeat President Trump with someone other than him.

    • Bloomberg returned to New York after speaking in West Palm Beach last night. Sources expect him to address staff at his headquarters today.
    • He doesn’t want history to remember him as the spoiler who helps Sanders win the nomination, or hands re-election to Trump.

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