Boko Haram suspects ‘die of poison’ in Chad jail (BBC)


    Boko Haram suspects ‘die of poison’ in Chad jail – By BBC Staff (BBC) / April 19 2020

    Chadian soldiers on an army pick-up - archive shot

    Forty-four suspected Boko Haram militants in Chad have died in detention from apparent poisoning, the country’s public prosecutor says.

    The men were part of a group of 58 suspects captured during a recent major army operation against the Islamist group around Lake Chad.

    An investigation has been launched after four autopsies showed a lethal substance had led to their deaths.

    The justice minister told AFP the prisoners had not been ill treated.

    Djimet Arabi was responding to allegations that the prisoners were placed in a single cell and given no food or water after their transfer to the capital, N’Djamena, on Tuesday.

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