Chelsea Clinton fires back at Fox News host who said Hillary ‘would sell her daughter’ to become president


    Chelsea has every right to be mad at FOX News (weekend somebody) Lisa Boothe for claiming Hillary would sell her to be president.

    It’s such a silly claim because everyone knows Clinton’s handle any political need with “suicide” tendencies – PB/TK

    Chelsea Clinton fires back at Fox News host who said Hillary ‘would sell her daughter’ to become president  –  By Brandon Carter / July 15 2017

    Chelsea Clinton fired back at a Fox News host on Saturday who said that her mom, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, would “literally sell her daughter” to be president.

    On Fox News’ “The Five,” host Lisa Boothe called Hillary Clinton “the most soulless woman on the planet.”

    “(She) would literally sell her daughter to be president, literally sell her only child to be president,” she said.

    Chelsea Clinton fired back at Boothe in a tweet Saturday, saying she’s “never doubted” she was the most important part of her mom’s life.

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