Home Liberal Christian Nationalist and Seven Mountain Dominionist Lance Wallnau to Speak at Fundraiser...

Christian Nationalist and Seven Mountain Dominionist Lance Wallnau to Speak at Fundraiser for Doug Mastriano (Right Wing Watch)


Christian Nationalist and Seven Mountain Dominionist Lance Wallnau to Speak at Fundraiser for Doug Mastriano – By Kyle Mantyla (Right Wing Watch) / Sept 13, 2022

Dominionist author, speaker, and political operative Lance Wallnau is a right-wing anti-LBGTQ activist, conspiracy theorist, and unabashed Trump cultist who has repeatedly praised authoritarian leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He is also a self-proclaimed Christian nationalist who has urged former President Donald Trump to organize public rallies across the nation and infuse them with right-wing Christianity in order to bring about a revival in the United States.

The reason Wallnau has urged Trump to hold such rallies is that Wallnau is one of the leading advocates of Seven Mountains dominionism, a theology connected to right-wing political ideology that teaches that Christians are to “do whatever is necessary” to take control of the seven main “mountains” that shape our culture—education, government, media, business, arts and entertainment, family, and religion—in order to implement the will of God throughout the nation and the world.

As Wallnau explained earlier this year, if right-wing Christians can gain control of the seven mountains, they can control a nation.

On Monday night, Wallnau announced on his Facebook page that he will be joining Donald Trump Jr. in speaking later this week at a fundraiser for election-denier and Christian nationalism promoter Doug Mastriano, who is the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania.

CONITNUE > https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/christian-nationalist-and-seven-mountain-dominionist-lance-wallnau-to-speak-at-fundraiser-for-doug-mastriano/


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