Home Liberal City Councilman’s Proposal to Deal With Opioid Overdoses: Let Them Die

City Councilman’s Proposal to Deal With Opioid Overdoses: Let Them Die


Middletown Oh councilman puts monetary figure against overdose cases and his conclusion was simple: let them die it’s costing emergency services to much to save them – PB/TK

City Councilman’s Proposal to Deal With Opioid Overdoses: Let Them Die– By Ben Haller/ July 10 2017

While more Americans are coming around to the idea that drug addiction should be treated as a public-health issue rather than a crime, the recent rise in opioid overdoses threatens this shift in public opinion, especially in the areas most ravaged by this new epidemic.

In Cincinnati—my hometown—174 overdoses took place in less than one week last year. Many counties in Ohio no longer have enough room to store all of the bodies of overdose victims, forcing the state to lend out mobile morgues that are normally reserved for large-scale disasters. The lieutenant governor of the state has even opened up about her family’s struggle with opioid addiction.

The desperation to end this epidemic has not brought out the best in everyone. Recently, Middletown, Ohio, city councilman Dan Picard proposed that paramedics not respond to addicts upon a third overdose.

Critics decried the proposal as unbelievably cruel. Picard countered that many didn’t understand just how bad the situation had gotten in his city, where “out-of-the-box thinking” was now required.

Continue to reason.com article: http://reason.com/blog/2017/07/10/let-them-die-a-radical-proposal-to-deal


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