Home Liberal Clinton Aide: Protesters Don’t Want $15 An Hour

Clinton Aide: Protesters Don’t Want $15 An Hour


Of course not everyone wants $15/hour for entry level jobs. Unless you’re stuck in that entry level job or a retiree working that entry level job to make ends meet or a student working your way through college or ….. 

The important words to remember are; Entry Level Position – PB/TK 

Clinton Aide: Protesters Don’t Want $15 An Hour – Zach Carter Senior Political Economy Reporter, The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― A former aide to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama cautioned the Democratic Party against “moving policy to the left” in response to the wave of public protests targeting President Donald Trump, telling MSNBC: “You are wrong to look at these crowds and think that means everyone wants $15 an hour.”

“I actually think the real energy is not just with the base. These are apolitical people that are turning out,” Jennifer Palmieri said in an appearance on Chuck Todd’s show last week. Palmieri served as communications director for both the Obama White House and Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Clinton campaigned on a $15 minimum wage as part of the Democratic Party’s official 2016 platform.

You can watch Palmieri’s comments in the video above.

“Don’t assume that the answer to big crowds is moving policy to the left,” Palmieri said. “I think the answer to the big crowds is engaging as much as you can, to be as supportive as you can. And understanding ― what these people want, they are desperate.”

Continue to huffingtonpost.com article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-protesters-15-hour_us_58a1efe1e4b03df370d8db2b?


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