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Coal firms owned by family of West Virginia governor sued over unpaid penalties (Daily Kos)


Coal firms owned by family of West Virginia governor sued over unpaid penalties – By Associated Press (Daily Kos) / May 31, 2023

Thirteen coal companies owned by the family of West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice are being sued over unpaid penalties for previous mining law violations that the federal government says pose health and safety risks or threaten environmental harm.

Justice, who was not named in the lawsuit, accused the Biden administration of retaliation. A Republican two-term governor, Justice announced in April that he is running for Democrat Joe Manchin’s U.S. Senate seat in 2024.

The lawsuit filed Tuesday says that over the past five years, the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement cited the companies for more than 130 violations and issued more than 500 cessation orders. The lawsuit says the total amount of penalties, fees, interest and administrative expenses owed by the defendants is about $7.6 million.

U.S. Attorney Christopher Kavanaugh of the Western District of Virginia said the defendants were ordered more than 50 times to stop mining activities until the violations were corrected.

CONTINUE > https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/5/31/2172529/-Coal-firms-owned-by-family-of-West-Virginia-governor-sued-over-unpaid-penalties


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