Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper takes step toward possible presidential run – By Jon Murray (denverpost.com) / Sept 17 2018
Federal campaign committee’s formation allows donations to candidates
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Monday put out one of the strongest signals yet he’s considering a run in 2020 against President Donald Trump.
The two-term Democrat, who will leave office early next year, filed paperwork to form a federal political action committee that’s known as a leadership PAC — a common step by presidential aspirants that allows them to raise money on the federal level and distribute it to candidates. Such a PAC often aids a potential candidate by raising his or her profile and building influence.
Hickenlooper has named his committee the Giddy Up PAC, drawing on a phrase he uses often.
He told Colorado Public Radio in an interview Monday that the committee’s formation doesn’t mean he’s set on running for president. He said he would make the decision after his time as governor ends in January.
The PAC’s organization paperwork lists Stephanie Donner, former chief legal counsel in the governor’s office, as the committee’s treasurer and custodian of records. Under federal law, leadership PACs can collect a maximum $5,000 per donor.