Home Conservative Comey Rips Republicans: ‘Stop Being Numb,’ ‘Stand Up’ (Newsmax)

Comey Rips Republicans: ‘Stop Being Numb,’ ‘Stand Up’ (Newsmax)


Comey Rips Republicans: ‘Stop Being Numb,’ ‘Stand Up’ – By Cathy Burke (newsmax.com) / Dec 17 2018


Former FBI Director James Comey on Monday lashed out at President Donald Trump, Republicans, and Fox News, challenging Capitol Hill lawmakers to “stand up and speak the truth.”

In fiery remarks before giving closed-door testimony before a House hearing, Comey unloaded on House Republicans for caving into “fear of Fox News, fear of their base, fear of mean tweets.”

“The rule of law matters and the truth matters,” he said in a prepared statement before his non-public testimony. “Where are those Republicans today? At some point someone has to stand up in the fear of Fox News, fear of their base, fear of mean tweets, stand up for the values of this country, and not slink away to retirement. Stand up and speak the truth.”

“I find it frustrating to be here answering questions about things that are far less important than the values of this country,” he said.

But he went further in a short question-and-answer period with reporters — targeting the president in particular for criticism when asked his opinion of Trump’s calling his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen “a rat” for cooperating with federal authorities on their investigation of Russia’s influence on the 2016 election.

“It undermines the rule of law,” he declared of the Trump tweet.

“This is the president of the United States calling a witness who is cooperating with his own Justice Department ‘a rat.’ Say that again to yourself at home, and remind yourself where we have ended up. This is not about Republicans and Democrats. This is about what does it mean to be an American. What are the things that we care about above our policy disputes which are important.”

He continued: “This is a set of values that represent the glue of this country, and they’re under attack . . . We have to stop being numb to it. Whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, stand on your feet, overcome your shame, and say something.”

He also asserted damage to the FBI has little to do with his leadership before he was fired by Trump in May 2017.

“The FBI’s reputation is taking a big hit because the president of the United States, with his acolytes, has lied about it constantly,” he said in response to Fox News’ Catherine Herridge confronting him about his handling of Michael Flynn’s interview.

“And in the face of those lies, a whole lot of good people who watch your network believe that nonsense. That’s a tragedy. That will be undone eventually, but that damage has nothing to do with me.”



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