Commentary | Why Are Fact-Checkers Ignoring False Statements on School Closures? (Real Clear Politics)


    Commentary | Why Are Fact-Checkers Ignoring False Statements on School Closures? – By Chandler Lasch (Real Clear Politics) / Nov 1, 2022

    With each new report on the effects of pandemic-era school closures on American children, the story only seems to get worse.

    In September, the Associated Press reported that, according to a study from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), “Math and reading scores for America’s 9-year-olds fell dramatically during the first two years of the pandemic … Reading scores saw their largest decrease in 30 years, while math scores had their first decrease in the history of the testing regimen behind the study.”

    On October 24, data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often called the “nation’s report card,” shed more light on the abysmal declines. According to the AP, “Across the country, math scores saw their largest decreases ever. Reading scores dropped to 1992 levels. Nearly four in 10 eighth graders failed to grasp basic math concepts. Not a single state saw a notable improvement in their average test scores, with some simply treading water at best.”

    “It is a serious wakeup call for us all,” Peggy Carr of the NCES told AP reporter Collin Binkley. “In NAEP, when we experience a 1- or 2-point decline, we’re talking about it as a significant impact on a student’s achievement. In math, we experienced an 8-point decline—historic for this assessment.”



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