Home Liberal Commentary: Why Madison Cawthorn triggers Republicans (Salon)

Commentary: Why Madison Cawthorn triggers Republicans (Salon)


Commentary: Why Madison Cawthorn triggers Republicans – By Amanda Marcotte (Salon) / April 29, 2022

The Madison Cawthorn scandal exposes how the GOP depends on right-wing media to delude their base

In a world where so much news is just plain depressing, it’s an unexpected delight to watch the Republican establishment pull out their bag of dirty tricks and ratf**k one of their own. And boy, it couldn’t be happening to a nicer guy: Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, part of the freshman class of Republicans who work more as full-time trolls than traditional lawmakers. Man, Republicans really hate this guy.

In just the past week, the efforts to destroy Cawthorn have included GOP-funded attack ads against him, a push to have his alleged financial crimes exposed, and, what’s most fun of all, an “oppo dump” of embarrassing photographs. First, Politico published photos of Cawthorn at a party, drinking and wearing lingerie.

When he blew that off, another bit of blackmail was leaked to the Daily Mail, this time a video of one of Cawthorn’s male staffers patting him near the crotch.

CONTINUE > https://www.salon.com/2022/04/29/why-madison-cawthorn-triggers/


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