CPS tells principals not to allow immigration officials in schools without warrant


    Chicago Public Schools tell all principles not to aloe Immigration officers into schools without warrants as well as tell parents to update all contact info with backup contacts in case they are detained – PB/TK

    CPS tells principals not to allow immigration officials in schools without warrant –  Juan Perez Jr.Contact Reporter Chicago Tribune February 22
    Amid ongoing tensions over changes to U.S. immigration policy, Chicago Public Schools on Tuesday told principals not to let federal immigration authorities inside district buildings unless they have a criminal warrant.
    Principals were also urged to have parents update student emergency contact forms and include backup contacts that schools could turn to if a child’s parents were detained.
    The new guidelines to principals from CPS Chief Education Officer Janice Jackson were included in materials that acknowledged community “concern and anxiety about immigration matters” amid President Donald Trump’s vows to crack down on people living in this country illegally.
    The Department of Homeland Security announced a broad expansion of immigration enforcement priorities, with particular focus on immigrants who have been convicted of any criminal offense or have unresolved criminal charges pending.
    “To be very clear, CPS does not provide assistance to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the enforcement of federal civil immigration law,” the district’s message to principals said.
    A district spokesman said CPS was not aware of any recent efforts by immigration agents to access schools. But according to Jackson’s letter, principals have asked how to handle interactions with ICE officials.



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