Dem off the deep end? Former DNC chairman Dean calls for ARREST & JAIL TIME for DHS chief amid Portland riots (Russia Today)


    Dem off the deep end? Former DNC chairman Dean calls for ARREST & JAIL TIME for DHS chief amid Portland riots – By Russia Today Staff (Russia Today) / July 18 2020

    In the competition among prominent Democrats to see who can show the most outrage over the role of federal law enforcement in trying to help quell anarchist riots in Portland, former party chairman Howard Dean may be the winner.

    After Oregon’s largest city was subjected to its 50th straight night of violent unrest, Dean focused his ire on acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief Chad Wolf. “This guy needs to be arrested, prosecuted and, if convicted, imprisoned for a very long time,” Dean tweeted on Saturday.


    Leading Democrats in Oregon haven’t gone quite that far, but they have shown more concern over the actions of DHS forces than over those of the rioters. Mayor Ted Wheeler, in fact, said on Tuesday that his biggest worry was the tactics that federal officers were using against protesters. He advised the feds to stay in their buildings or leave the city. Governor Kate Brown said, “This political theater from President Trump has nothing to do with public safety.”

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