Democrats face fierce urgency of 2018

    Here’s a novel idea for the DEM, stop knee jerking on every issue to (hopefully) gain minority support for anything in society. Fresh ideas and a fresher stance will help. The old guard needs to go, you need to start filling in the roster with individuals and not the “yea” folks that will kowtow to “Botox” Pelosi –  PB/TK 
    Democrats face fierce urgency of 2018 – 

    Near a nadir of political power, Democrats across the country say their comeback must begin with key races next year — and warn that failure to make big gains in state races in 2018 will doom them to another decade in the minority in Washington.

    More than three-dozen states will choose governors in the next two years, while voters pick state legislative candidates in thousands of districts across the country.

    In the vast majority of cases, those legislators and governors will draw new political boundaries following the 2020 census that will determine just how competitive the battle for the U.S. House of Representatives will be in the following decade.

    “The 2018 races are central not only to the individual states, but also to the federal policies in the House of Representatives,” Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, vice chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, said in an interview. “The key that unlocks the governors’ doors also unlocks the House of Representatives. And we’ve got to get the national team to understand that.”

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