DHS Secy: The U.S. is Taking All Steps to Prepare for N. Korean Threat (OAN Network)


    DHS Secy: The U.S. is Taking All Steps to Prepare for N. Korean Threat – By OAN Newsroom (oann.com) / Jan 3 2018

    The Homeland Security secretary says the U.S. is taking all steps to prepare for any threat from North Korea.

    This comes after Kim Jong Un said he has a button to launch a strike on the U.S.

    In response on Twitter, President Trump said he has a much bigger and more powerful button that works.

    Kirstjen Nielsen responded to reporter’s questions Tuesday about President Trump’s tweet mocking Kim.

    “The President speaks for himself…I think we have to continue, as he said, to take the threat from North Korea very seriously, said Secretary Nielsen. “Certainly at DHS we’re doing all we can to prepare for any possible scenario that would involve the homeland, whether it be from North Korea or any other nation state or terrorist adversary.”

    North Korea is reportedly preparing to conduct another intercontinental ballistic missile.


    PB/TK – Please let the adults talk and let the two manchilds outside to kick dirt, because all this “my button’s larger then yours” is childish. Besides, POTUS Donnie there’s no Presidential Nuke Button to press. 

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