Disagreements persist over feds’ role in pandemic reopening (Federal Times)


    Disagreements persist over feds’ role in pandemic reopening – By Jessie Bur (Federal Times) / June 26 2020

    Congressional Republicans and Democrats are divided on what kind of example the federal government should set for returning to work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

    According to some conservative members, the government should be taking the lead in reopening federal offices and returning to in-person work, while democratic members have stressed that the government should stand as an example for comprehensive safety measures and continued flexible work arrangements.

    “It’s time for the federal government, and Congress for that matter, to lead by example. We have got to reopen and we’ve got to do so in a manner that is safe,” said Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., at a June 25 House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing, adding that the U.S. had successfully flattened the curve to the point that federal guidance could allow for continued reopening.

    The official reopening guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget and Office of Personnel Management in April left the decision up to individual agencies, based on the coronavirus numbers and safety precautions in each state.

    Continue to article:  https://www.federaltimes.com/management/2020/06/25/disagreements-persist-over-feds-role-in-pandemic-reopening/


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