Home Liberal Donald Trump explains how he was a victim of voter suppression (Daily Kos)

Donald Trump explains how he was a victim of voter suppression (Daily Kos)


Donald Trump explains how he was a victim of voter suppression – By Laura Clawson (dailykos.com) / Dec 15 2017

Donald Trump was speaking to Marine Helicopter Squadron One, but for some reason (narcissism) he couldn’t resist throwing in some talk about his 2016 Electoral College win. That popular vote-defying win has grown even more epic in the retelling, because now Trump says he had to triumph over voter suppression.

Remember they used to say, “There is no way for Trump to get to 270.” Remember? Over and over again. That’s called voter suppression. If you believe that, you might say, “I love Trump but I’m not going to waste my time — let’s go see a movie and we’ll come home and watch the results tonight.” Right? But everybody said, “No, I’m not going to a movie; we’re going to vote.” And they voted.

No, Donald. Voter suppression is trying to prevent people from registering for a run-off election. It’s holding an election when an area with a lot of black voters is still having power outages from a hurricane. It’s instituting a tough voter ID law … and then closing dozens of driver’s license offices, concentrated in areas with a lot of black voters (see a pattern here?). It’s passing residency restrictions to keep college students from voting. It’s instituting a system for uncovering fraudulent registrations that produces as many as 200 false positives for every problem registration. It’s allowing hunting licenses but not student IDs as voter ID.

And guess what? Those are all things Republicans do to help Republican candidates like Donald flippin’ Trump. So no, Donald, you did not overcome voter suppression. You were helped by it.


PB/TK – SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!… You won the f*ckin’ election, you were suppressed in no way no how? You are not a victim, you a thin skinned egomaniac who can’t believe he lost the Popular Vote, which means nothing! You win by getting majority of Electoral College which you did. Go stick you head in the sandtrap at one of your over-priced golf courses and stop campaigning while reliving 2016, you’ve 3 years left to still work! 

Great, I just kicked a stuffed animal dog and spilled my coffee-kegger! shut up shut up shut up


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