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Donald Trump Says Your Opinions Are Fake If You Don’t Like His Policies


Ah yes we’ve gone from trying to understand another’s thought to showing the hand to just calling them “fake” if you don’t agree/they don’t agree. We went from adults to kids on the playground within 2 administrations. Hell next administration everyone’s gonna need a diaper change – PB/TK

Donald Trump Says Your Opinions Are Fake If You Don’t Like His Policies – Natalie Jackson Senior Polling Editor, The Huffington Post – 02/06/2017 10:26 am ET

Bright and early Monday morning, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to express his frustration with polling numbers on his policies. He specifically compared “any negative polling” to the CNN, ABC and NBC election polls and labeled them all “fake news.”

This tactic seems to be Trump’s modus operandi for dealing with anything that casts him in a negative light ― publicly call it “fake” and claim he knows better. He’s trying to manipulate the public into not believing the polling numbers that we know he’s rabidly consuming.

Unfortunately for Trump, that’s not how polling works. Polls, when done right, represent the views of millions of Americans ― with some room for error, of course, since they’re based on samples of a few hundred or a thousand people. The specific polls Trump called out are very high quality and were actually very close to the national election outcome.

Continue to huffingtonpost.com article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-negative-polls-fake_us_58988431e4b040613137c6ee?


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