Doomsday Clock 2023 time says the world is closer than ever to global catastrophe (AZ Central)


    2023 Doomsday Clock time ticks forward amid Ukraine war, nuclear fears

    Doomsday Clock 2023 time says the world is closer than ever to global catastrophe – By Elizabeth Weise (USA Today) / Jan 24, 2023

    The Doomsday Clock was moved forward on Tuesday to 90 seconds to midnight due in part to worries over Russian’s veiled threats of nuclear warfare.

    Doomsday Clock says the world is closer than ever to a global catastrophe – By Damien Henderson (Associated Press) / Jan 24, 2023
    This year’s Doomsday Clock announcement revealed it is 90 seconds to midnight, making us closer to global catastrophe than ever before.

    The world is closer to annihilation than it has ever been since the first nuclear bombs were released at the close of World War II, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said Tuesday. The time on the Doomsday Clock moved forward from 100 seconds to midnight to 90 seconds to midnight.

    It’s a reset of what has come to be known as the Doomsday Clock, a decades long project of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists featuring a clock face where midnight represents Armageddon.

    Between Russia’s nuclear brinkmanship in its war on Ukraine, the real threats of climate change becoming increasingly dire and ongoing concerns about more possible pandemics caused by humans encroaching on formerly wild areas, the Bulletin chose to set the clock the closest to midnight yet.

    The world is facing a gathering storm of extinction-level consequences, exacerbated by the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This explains the latest advance of the clock, said Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.


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