Down with the Senate theater kids (Real Clear Politics)


    Down with the Senate theater kids – By Matt MacDonald (Spectator) / March 24, 2022

    Make Supreme Court hearings dull again

    Many failed actors work as waitstaff, or move back in with their parents. Some spiral into heroin addiction, prostitution or death. But it could be worse: a number end up in the United States Senate.

    This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee lent further credence to my long-held belief that anyone who declares an interest in running for political office should be committed to an asylum. The hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson bore closer resemblance to a remedial acting class than the inner democratic workings of a somewhat serious country.

    The right have been gorging on the clip of Democratic presidential hopeful Cory Booker giving it the full Olivier in his remarks to the judge. The flamboyant senator gesticulates wildly as he breathily orates about Langston Hughes, LGBTQ Americans and hidden figures, bringing Jackson to tears.


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