Home Conservative Drug Smuggling Tunnels Skyrocketed After U.S. Tightened Border Security

Drug Smuggling Tunnels Skyrocketed After U.S. Tightened Border Security


Cartels can still go under and around the proposed Southern Wall.. But dammit they can’t go over it. It’s still a win or that’s how the spin doctors will present it – PB/TK

Drug Smuggling Tunnels Skyrocketed After U.S. Tightened Border Security –  Ethan Barton April 9 2017

President Donald Trump’s proposed wall won’t stop Mexican cartels from smuggling drugs into the U.S. through illegal tunnels, which increased significantly after a border fence was built and security was considerably tightened.

“Illegal tunneling activity on the southwest border of the United States represents a significant and persistent threat to border security and will likely remain so in the near future,” the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) office warned in a 2010 report that only became public April 2, 2017.

“The rise in illegal tunneling is likely a response to increasingly heightened border security,” said the report, which was posted this month by the Government Attic web site.

Continue to dailycaller.com article: http://dailycaller.com/2017/04/09/drug-smuggling-tunnels-skyrocketed-after-u-s-tightened-border-security/


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