Editorial: Time for Coast Guard-style agency to protect US from wildfire ravages (Las Vegas Sun)


    Editorial: Time for Coast Guard-style agency to protect US from wildfire ravages – By Las Vegas Sun Editorial Board (Las Vegas Sun) / April 29, 2022

    As America stumbles into our new annual torment of wildfire season we can look, with smoke-filled eyes, to our oceans for clues to better fight fires.

    Specifically, the Coast Guard.

    The Coast Guard was established by the Founding Fathers in 1790 and charged with defending our coastal waters —and the commerce on them —from threats such as pirates, smugglers and even attempted confederate naval blockades. In 1915, it joined with U.S. Life Saving Service and its humanitarian mission expanded to protecting the lives of mariners of all types.

    In other words, the stakes in the Coast Guard’s mission — to save lives and ensure commerce can be conducted safely — are the same stakes as those we face with wildfires.

    CONTINUE > https://lasvegassun.com/news/2022/apr/29/time-for-coast-guard-style-agency-to-protect-us-fr/

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