Home Conservative Emergency Order in West Palm Beach Bans Gun Sales and Carry (Free...

Emergency Order in West Palm Beach Bans Gun Sales and Carry (Free Beacon)


Emergency Order in West Palm Beach Bans Gun Sales and Carry – By Stephen Gutowski (Free Beacon) / June 3 2020

West Palm Beach, Fla., became the first city in the nation to ban the sale or carrying of firearms in city limits in an emergency declaration intended to address violent clashes between police and demonstrators.

The city issued a curfew order on Sunday that included a ban on gun sales and gun carry. It extended the order for 72 hours on Monday. The ban on gun and ammo sales includes no exceptions and the ban on gun carry only provides exceptions for on-duty police and military personnel.

The emergency ban comes in the wake of heated political debates and legal showdowns about local and state orders that have shut down gun businesses due to concerns about the coronavirus. West Palm Beach’s ban extends beyond those shutdowns to stop even those with gun-carry permits from being able to legally carry firearms for protection during the emergency.

An employee at Guns & Range Training Center in West Palm Beach confirmed the store is currently closed down due to the order but did not comment further. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the industry’s trade group, said the order violates citizens’ gun rights.

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