Ethiopia tries to pre-empt G7 criticism over Tigray (Politico)


    Ethiopia tries to pre-empt G7 criticism over Tigray – David M. Herszenhorn (Politico) / June 12 2021

    Foreign minister rejects charges starvation being used as a weapon.

    FALMOUTH, England — As G7 leaders prepared to rebuke the Ethiopian government over its handling of a military conflict in the Tigray region, the country’s foreign minister on Saturday landed a preemptive blow.

    The minister, Demeke Mekonnen, accused the group of rich countries of “a condescending approach” and demanded they “desist from these unhelpful activities.”

    G7 sherpas on Saturday were negotiating a final communiqué with draft language saying leaders were “concerned by the ongoing conflict,” urging a “cessation of hostilities” and calling for a “comprehensive and credible political process,” according to one official familiar with the discussions, who cautioned that the statement was not finished.


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