Everybody’s Shocked the ‘Justice League’ Snyder Cut Trailer Used ‘We Live In a Society’ Meme (The Wrap)


    Everybody’s Shocked the ‘Justice League’ Snyder Cut Trailer Used ‘We Live In a Society’ Meme – By Andrea Towers (The Wrap) / Feb 14 2021

    The long-anticipated trailer for the so-called Snyder cut of “Justice League” premiered on Sunday morning and with it came one of the most talked-about moments: an original conversation between Jared Leto’s Joker and Ben Affleck’s Batman, where Joker says: “We live in a society [long pause] where honor is a distant memory.”

    If you spend any meaningful amount of time on the internet, you’ll know that particular line has been a meme for years — starting in the early 90’s with “Seinfeld” and carrying over to the message boards/Reddit. At a certain point a few years ago, it became associated with the Joker, as people would tweet or share it with a photo of the character — despite the fact that the character has never actually said the line out loud.

    Until now.

    We can’t help but assume that this bit is some kind of troll from director Zack Snyder — although of course we don’t know if this was something that was originally supposed to be in the movie or if it’s something that was added for the “Justice League” Snyder Cut.

    CONTINUE > https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/everybody-shocked-justice-league-snyder-185405847.html


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