Home Conservative Exploiting Jesus to Convert Vulnerable Christians to Radical Islam (Front Page Mag)

Exploiting Jesus to Convert Vulnerable Christians to Radical Islam (Front Page Mag)


Exploiting Jesus to Convert Vulnerable Christians to Radical Islam – By Joe Kaufman (Front Page Mag) / Mar 4 2021

ICNA and terror-related imam set up booth to missionize to flea market goers.

Joe Kaufman is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center; a writer for the Counter-Islamist Grid, a project of the Middle East Forum; and the Chairman of the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative. He was the 2014, 2016 and 2018 Republican Nominee for U.S. House of Representatives (Florida-CD23).

The Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop is a well-known ‘hot spot’ for South Florida bargain hunters seeking out the latest flea market deals and moviegoers heading to watch the latest drive-in flics with their families. It once featured free concerts of famous bands and a circus with elephants, clowns and acrobats. It was where Jeb Bush announced his run for Governor, well over two decades ago. Now, once every two weeks, the famed Swap Shop features extreme Muslims seeking to convert the vulnerable to radical Islam, and they are doing it in the name of Jesus, literally. The dangerous nature of this offensive endeavor must be exposed and condemned.

WhyIslam is the dawah (religious outreach) division of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the US arm of South Asian Islamist group Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). As such, WhyIslam and ICNA have sizable links with overseas terror. Appearing on a 2008 video promoting WhyIslam was Mazen Mokhtar, a former admin for the now-defunct al-Qaeda recruitment site, qoqaz.net, and a champion of Hamas and suicide bombings. Since September 1989, ICNA has been associated with Ashrafuz Zaman Khan, a former JI death squad leader who was sentenced to death, in absentia, for multiple murders, and who has held a number of top ICNA positions.

Up until recently, WhyIslam featured a message board on its website. A number of the forum moderators used it to post messages in favor of Hamas, Hezbollah, the vilification of Jews, and the destruction of Israel. One, BrJimC, wrote, “I don’t think Hamas has a reason to not want to destroy Israel…” and “Those Jews that speak out against such atrocity by holding their public officials accountable are the ones who deserve peace and life… The rest will one day wind up in the Mediterranean Sea.” Another moderator, MARWAN, wrote, “I support Hezbollah as long as they stand by justice” and “Nazi restaurant… I wonder if they have kosher meals.”

CONTINUE > https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/03/exploiting-jesus-convert-vulnerable-christians-joe-kaufman/


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