Fact-checking Biden’s speech on Social Security, fracking and crime (CNN)


    Fact-checking Biden’s speech on Social Security, fracking and crime – By Holmes Lybrand (CNN) / Aug 31 2020

    Washington (CNN)During a speech Monday billed as one focused on public safety and law enforcement, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took several swipes at President Donald Trump and defended himself against Trump’s attacks.

    Biden ridiculed Trump’s response to the pandemic, blamed him for sowing chaos and accused him of falsely representing Biden’s position on fracking. Here’s a look at some of the context and facts around several claims Biden made.

    Cops and the coronavirus
    “More cops have died from Covid this year than have been killed on patrol,” Biden said in his speech.

    Facts First: This is true.
    According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, a national nonprofit organization “dedicated to honoring America’s fallen law enforcement heroes,” 97 officers have died from Covid-19 while 80 officers died by other means, as of this reporting.

    Violence and chaos
    Biden claimed that a political adviser for Trump had said that “the more chaos … and violence … the better it is” for Trump.

    Facts First: This needs context. It appears Biden is referencing comments that White House counselor Kellyanne Conway made last week on “Fox and Friends.” Here’s what she said: “[T]he more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better news for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.”
    Biden is taking the step to connect Conway’s “clear choice” with the President’s campaign.

    Continue to article: https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/31/politics/biden-speech-public-safety-fracking-social-security-fact-check/index.html

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