Fake Trump ‘Time’ Magazine Covers Hang in His Golf Clubs


    Years ago, remember there was always that one guy who photoshopped himself in pics to make himself look important or as a joke at the office. Yeah, well POTUS Donnie was/is that guy today – PB/TK

    Fake Trump ‘Time’ Magazine Covers Hang in His Golf Clubs – By Jason Le Miere / June 27 2017

    President Donald Trump has garnered a reputation for being somewhat misleading on the facts of his accomplishments—whether it be the size of his inauguration crowd or his Electoral College tally. Trump also seems to have a particular fascination with how many times he has been on the cover of Time magazine, stating incorrectly in January that he had been featured a record 14 or 15 times. In fact, at that point he had been on the cover 11 times, which was 44 fewer than record holder Richard Nixon.

    But just how seriously Trump took his pride at being—or, indeed, at not being—on the cover of the magazine was not really known until The Washington Post uncovered on Tuesday that a framed copy of Time with a portrait of Trump on the cover hangs in at least four of Trump’s golf clubs, including in Scotland. Referring to the reality TV show the president formerly starred in, a headline exclaims, “The Apprentice is a Television Smash,” and more praise is seen at the top of the cover: “Trump is Hitting on All Fronts…Even TV!!”

    Continue to newsweek.com article: http://www.newsweek.com/fake-time-magazine-cover-trump-629492

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