Say something enough times and it becomes fact. You mean the Lifeline cell phone program known as the ‘Obamaphone’ was originally a ‘Bushiephone’? Look I get it, partisanship is partisanship on every nut, wheel and keypad when it comes to pointing fingers, especially when it comes to any program directed to poor Americans. Whoopsie, I mean lazy Democrat leeches sucking off the government programs, because there no such thing as a poor Republican. PB/TK
FCC Decision To Reduce Internet Subsidy For Low-Income Americans Comes Straight From Fox News Blog ››› ››› CRAIG HARRINGTON
Trump-appointed Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai has chosen to reduce participation in an Obama-era expansion of a Reagan-era telecommunications subsidy for low-income Americans. The program, known as “Lifeline,” had become a regular target of right-wing media attacks and conspiracy theories, which labeled it as “Obamaphones” that were distributed in low-income communities to buy votes.
According to a February 3 report from The Washington Post, Pai announced that the commission was reversing a decision made last year to allow additional companies to apply a federal subsidy of $9.25 per month for qualifying households seeking assistance in acquiring internet access.
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