Federal Election Commission fines Sen. Rand Paul’s presidential PAC $21,000 (Louisville Courier Journal)


    Federal Election Commission fines Sen. Rand Paul’s presidential PAC $21,000 – By Morgan Watkins (Louisville Courier Journal) / July 29 2021

    The Federal Election Commission has fined Sen. Rand Paul’s 2016 presidential campaign committee $21,000 for how it handled certain financial contributions, according to documents The Courier Journal obtained.

    The penalty stemmed from a complaint the late J. Russell Lloyd, the Louisville Democratic Party’s former chairman who died early last year, filed in November 2016, according to a letter the FEC recently sent that was addressed to Lloyd.

    The complaint and the FEC’s subsequent inquiry concerned a political action committee called Freedom for All Americans, which used to be known as Rand Paul for President, Inc. and was the Kentucky Republican’s principal campaign committee during his presidential run in 2015 and 2016.

    The FEC found reason to believe Paul’s campaign committee violated federal rules, according to the commission documents The Courier Journal obtained, which weren’t available to the public yet as of Wednesday evening.

    CONTINUE > https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/rand-paul/2021/07/29/sen-rand-pauls-presidential-pac-fined-by-federal-election-commission/5399085001/

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