Federal leaders spar over vaccines, health care and guns in first French-language debate (CBC News)


    Federal leaders spar over vaccines, health care and guns in first French-language debate – John Paul Tasker (CBC News) / Sept 2 2021

    Debate was at times raucous as leaders vied for Quebec votes

    The main party leaders appeared on stage for the first time Thursday in a French-language debate that was at times raucous as the four men fiercely competed for votes in a province that could very well decide who is Canada’s next prime minister.

    The two-hour debate, hosted by TVA, a major broadcaster in Quebec, was a chance for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau to regain some of the momentum he had earlier this summer when polls showed he had a massive lead in the country’s second largest province.

    CBC’s Poll Tracker still has Trudeau and the Liberals ahead of others in Quebec but the margin has narrowed.

    The first half of the debate was dominated by talk of the COVID-19 pandemic as Trudeau asked voters to return his party to government after its stewardship of the country during this 19-month long health crisis.

    CONTINUE > https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/french-language-tva-debate-1.6163385


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