Florida LGBT rights groups grow optimistic as more Republicans join their cause


    Are the 15 GOP lawmakers truly with the LGBT community or just padding their numbers in response to the Pulse Night Club attack? I ask because there’s always a hidden political agenda by any politician – PB/TK 

    Florida LGBT rights groups grow optimistic as more Republicans join their cause –  

    Activists who support new civil rights protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Floridians have found key allies in Republican lawmakers — but their cause still faces challenges in a deeply conservative state Capitol.

    Fifteen GOP lawmakers have publicly signed onto legislation this session that would ban discrimination against LGBT people in employment, housing, restaurants and other businesses, bucking a party whose national platform in 2016 opposed gay marriage.

    “I believe that people should be treated equally in our country,” said state Rep. Rene Plasencia, R-Orlando, who sponsored legislation banning discrimination. “This is just another step in making sure everybody has equality. Whether it’s in the workforce, in housing, in any aspect of our lives, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t have equality.”

    North Carolina and Mississippi in recent years have passed anti-LGBT measures. Texas this year is advancing a controversial bathroom bill that would limit access to transgender people. Yet Florida activists are heartened by their improved odds for going in the opposite direction and broadening protections. Republicans who don’t support expanding LGBT protections still outnumber those who do, but activists are finding support from a growing number of conservative lawmakers that would have been unthinkable even five years ago.
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