Fox’s Neil Cavuto cuts away from Trump speech to correct him on Obama’s economy (Yahoo)


    Fox’s Neil Cavuto cuts away from Trump speech to correct him on Obama’s economy – By Stephen Proctor (Yahoo) / July 17 2020

    On Thursday afternoon, as President Trump delivered another campaign-like speech from the White House, Fox News’s Neil Cavuto cut away to correct the president on statements he’d made about the economy under former president Barack Obama and regulations he’d implemented.

    “I do want to clarify a couple of things he said, that no president in history has cut regulations as much as he has. That is true,” Cavuto said. “I think he might have mischaracterized the regulations that were added under Barack Obama. They were largely financial-related.”

    Obama took over as president during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, and took steps to help protect against something like that happening again, even going so far as to create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Cavuto reminded his audience of why Obama implemented the regulations he did.

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