France prepares for space wars in ‘AsterX’ European exercise (Defense News)


    France prepares for space wars in ‘AsterX’ European exercise – By Rudy Ruitenberg (Defense News) / March 8, 2024

    In silent orbit around Earth, a potentially hostile satellite approaches an allied communication node, intentions unknown.

    French Space Command has determined the move is deliberate, and intelligence shows the enemy spacecraft is equipped with a robotic arm that would allow it to de-orbit the friendly asset. The French-led blue team moves a “patroller” satellite into a protective position – a capability France is working on, but now lacks – to block any hostile action by the U.S.-led red team.

    While fictional, the scenario played out on Thursday during Europe’s largest space wargames is credible and based on real capabilities, said Colonel Mathieu Bernabé, who is leading the exercise. During the event called AsterX 2024, some 190 participants from France and 15 partner countries are training for everything from jammed space communications to hostile satellites maneuvering to take out friendly orbiters.


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