Fred Fleitz to Newsmax TV: Strike Against Iran Isn’t Likely – By Sandy Fitzgerald (Newsmax) / Nov 26 2020
President Donald Trump is committed to keeping the United States out of any new wars, and it’s not likely he’ll order a strike against Iran, Fred Fleitz, the former national security chief of staff for the Trump administration, told Newsmax TV after reports that Israel’s military is preparing itself for that to happen before the administrations change.
“I heard two separate reports that the president was considering that,” Fleitz told Newsmax TV’s ”John Bachman Now.” “But I think at the end of the day, he is so committed to keeping the U.S. out of new wars, I don’t think he’ll do that.
Instead, Fleitz said he thinks it’s something Trump may have discussed in a meeting after he heard reports about Iran’s nuclear program increasing, but his aides probably advised him against taking action.
Retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, the president of the London Center for Policy Research, was also on the program, agreed that it’s not part of Trump’s philosophy to engage in any conflict “that we’re not out to win.”
CONTINUE > https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/fleitz-shaffer-newsmaxtv-iran/2020/11/26/id/998927/