Fugitive cows in Quebec captured after months on the run (CBC News)


    Half a dozen cows stand in the corner of a barn standing on top of hay.

    Fugitive cows in Quebec captured after months on the run – By Rachel Watts (CBC News) / Jan 9, 2023

    Farmers’ union uses food as bait to draw stragglers into corral

    The last cows part of Quebec’s runaway herd of Holsteins were captured and returned home Saturday, said the local union for agricultural producers, UPA Mauricie.

    The herd of more than 20 dairy cows had been on the run since July, when they were spooked by a summer thunderstorm on a dairy farm near Saint-Barnabé, close to Trois-Rivières, Que.

    Since then, they had been contentedly grazing wherever they liked — and wreaking havoc on farmers’ fields nearby.

    But starting last month, UPA Mauricie led the efforts to capture the cows.

    CONTINUE > https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/fugitive-cows-in-quebec-captured-and-returned-home-after-months-on-the-run-1.6707827

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