Gen Z calls out Baby Boomers for ‘annoying’ workplace habits: survey (FOX Business)


    baby boomer presents in a meeting

    Gen Z calls out Baby Boomers for ‘annoying’ workplace habits: survey – By Angelica Stabile (FOX Business) / June 16, 2023

    On ‘Outnumbered,’ a debate about Boomer work habits such as replying ‘all’ on emails and scheduling phone calls

    It’s Gen Z’s turn, apparently, to rag on Baby Boomers.

    As the youngest working generation steps into America’s offices and workplaces, the eldest group of workers is learning that they supposedly have habits that are irritating to their newer counterparts.

    Gen Zers noted specific Baby Boomer behavior that bugged them, according to a survey by — such as being too liberal with the “reply all” button on emails, making unnecessary phone calls and asking technology questions that could have been answered by first using Google search.

    Other Gen Z workers complained about Boomers using outdated language, wasting paper, pushing to work in the office — and booking formal meetings they felt were unnecessary.


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