General election 2019: Why this UK vote is a huge deal (BBC)


    General election 2019: Why this UK vote is a huge deal – By Anthony Zurcher (BBC) / Dec 10 2019

    As British voters prepare to head to the polls for a defining general election – the third in four years – they face a difficult choice, involving two unpopular leaders.

    Or as Nick Boles, a former Conservative MP, views it, an “appalling choice” between a “compulsive liar” and a “totalitarian”.

    The former – in Boles’ opinion – is Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The latter is Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

    It’s as if the 2016 US presidential election, where both major candidates were deemed flawed and untrustworthy, is playing itself out again three years later, on the other side of the Atlantic.

    “People are cynical and saying that they’re fed up on the doorstep,” Mary Roberts, a Labour candidate in the north Wales constituency of Ynys Mon, told supporters at a rally on Sunday. “That makes it difficult sometimes.”

    Canvassers and activists in the crowd echoed that sentiment. Voters want all of this – Brexit, the election, the nonstop drumbeat of political chaos – to be over and done with.

    Welcome to the 2019 general election, a pre-Christmas present few British voters seem anxious to unwrap.

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